production accounting
Being out in the field is hard, exhausting work — you don't have to struggle with monthly allocations and audits on top of everything else. A production accountant with the right software can create allocations on your behalf, so you can focus on doing what matters most. In this white paper, you can discover how working with PetroLedger's production accounting team can reduce stress while in the field and ensure that you have accurate production numbers to report.
the changing tribal regulatory landscape
When a company gets into the Exploration and Production business, there are usually several drivers. The potential for massive revenue is chief among them, but do companies always think about the costs? The costs of producing a well or lease can be predicted, but the regulation attached to certain lands is not always forseen. Read our white paper to learn more about how to navigate through tribal lease documentation, ONRR penalties, and the impact of the McGirt v. Oklahoma (2020) SCOTUS decision.
erp data conversions
Let's face it: the software you were using in the past may be lacking in functionality, but software data conversions can be a painful, time-consuming, and frequently expensive process. They are also an absolute necessity. In this white paper, you can learn about the most common data conversion problems you are likely to encounter, the two types of data conversions, and the various technological solutions available to you.
divestments & Acquisitions
There are plenty of challenges that come with divestment and acquisition analysis and planning. In this white paper, you can learn about potential solutions to these challenges, such as implementing a transition period. Our experience sifting through legal documents, asking pertinent, detailed questions, and recording acquisition and/or divestment transactions will ensure your transaction is handled timely and accurately.
professional management
The first inclination of most mineral, royalty and/or leasehold owners is to react to proposed offers while staying "inside the box" — this box being defined by the oil or gas company. They want you to play by their rules, which often obfuscate your options (and rights) regarding your interests. In this white paper, discover how PetroLedger can effectively provide a customized management solution based on our experience and unique industry insights, leaving all options available to you.
Gas PLant Accounting
Each gas plant, while having some similarities, has its own unique characteristics. Understanding the complex measurements, contracts, allocations, and valuations requires the right people and the right systems. In this whitepaper, you can learn how to drive long-term success with an outsourced accounting solution.
land administration
The oil and gas industry provides essential resources for the world. Two critical components are lease records and division orders. Lease records are contractual agreements between landowners and companies for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas, while division orders outline the distribution of revenues among all parties. This white paper explores the significance, processes, challenges, and best practices related to oil and gas lease records and division orders.