Staff Spotlight Vicki Robinson Featured Image

Staff Spotlight: Vicki Robinson

Angella Bisigni
June 26, 2024

Here at PetroLedger, we pride ourselves on our amazing team members and the exceptional skills and experiences that they bring to the table. Each person has a background and skill set that makes them vital to our mission. Here we want to highlight one of these team members, Vicki Robinson, Manager of Division Orders.  

Keep reading to see what makes Vicki a crucial member of our staff and what she enjoys about being a member of the PetroLedger team.  

Vicki’s Background

Vicki has been in the oil and gas industry for the past 30 years. She came from humble beginnings working with small operators. There she had the opportunity to wear many different land hats, such as division order and lease records analyst. Over the last three decades, she has worked in all areas of the land department as a Landman, Land Contracts/Lease Administrator and Division Order Analyst covering properties in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado, North Dakota, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Louisiana, Ohio and West Virginia. Vicki joined the PetroLedger team just over a year ago as Manager of Division Orders.  

Vicki’s Role Day-to-Day

As a Division Orders Manager, Vicki oversees a team of amazing division order analysts and techs, as well as our Owner Relations team. She and her team handle the day-to-day operations of making division order transfers, changing division of interest for clients and all other DO needs that may arise.  

She and her team are also responsible for fielding all of the calls and online inquiries that come in from interest owners, assisting them with everything from the simple case of a missing check to the hectic period at the beginning of the year of gathering and prepping 1099s for tax season. This makes every day a little different than the last and keeps the job interesting.  

What Makes PetroLedger Stand Out

“ Everybody is really good about rolling up their sleeves and pitching in and being collaborative.”

Vicki loves so many things about working for PetroLedger, but if she had to choose her favorite thing, it would be the people. The fact that our team is ready to get down and dirty when the work calls for it is just one of the signs of their dedication to not only each other but to our clients as well. Vicki appreciates this willingness of her teammates to come together and get the job done. She knows that our success relies on this collaboration and communication. Learn more about our values as a team and how that impacts you here.  

We at PetroLedger value our team and love showing off their skills and talents. Keep reading about another one of our awesome land team members or learn more about the rest of our amazing team.

Want to work with our oil & gas accounting and land professionals? Contact us to get started!

Angella Bisigni
Senior Creative Marketing Associate

Angella is the newest addition to the PetroLedger Marketing team. She comes to us with many years of experience in various marketing settings creating graphics and running ad campaigns. She has a Bachelors in Graphic Design and Media Arts.

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